Whoo-hoo! I passed the exam! I'm now Network+ certified. It feels good.
My study method was the following:
My study method was the following:
* I read through Mike Meyers' book on the network+ exam three times. I underlined and wrote down key points to put into memory.
* I studied the key points a few times through the day before and the day of the test.
* I took the practice tests and exams available on the cd that came with Meyers' book.
* I took the practice tests and exams available on the cd that came with Meyers' book.
* Took the practice exam from CompTIA located on their website.
* prayed :)
I have to say that the practice exam on CompTIA's website was much more difficult than the actual exam. I think it's because the official exam asked more scenario based questions whereas the practice exam from compTIA focused more on defining terms.
Anyway, I'm an excited fellow right now. I now have two certifications to add to my associate degree in IT. I guess next I will focus on a Microsoft certification?