Monday, March 18, 2013

Hyper-V 3.0 Best Practices Checklist

The Ask PFE Platforms blog has an excellent post on Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V best practices and it's actually in-depth. I'm only sharing the "general" section for the host not the vms because there are many things to checkoff your roll-out list before you even get to the "deep" things of rolling out a Hyper-V environment.

Excerpt from the blog post:

⎕ Use Server Core, if possible, to reduce OS overhead, reduce potential attack surface, and to minimize reboots (due to fewer software updates).

⎕ Ensure hosts are up-to-date with recommended Microsoft updates, to ensure critical patches and updates – addressing security concerns or fixes to the core OS – are applied.
⎕ Ensure all applicable Hyper-V hotfixes and Cluster hotfixes (if applicable) have been applied. Review the following sites and compare it to your environment, since not all hotfixes will be applicable:

· Update List for Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V:

· List of Failover Cluster Hotfixes:
⎕ Ensure hosts have the latest BIOS version, as well as other hardware devices (such as Synthetic Fibre Channel, NIC’s, etc.), to address any known issues/supportability
⎕ Host should be domain joined, unless security standards dictate otherwise. Doing so makes it possible to centralize the management of policies for identity, security, and auditing. Additionally, hosts must be domain joined before you can create a Hyper-V High-Availability Cluster.

· For more information:
⎕ RDP Printer Mapping should be disabled on hosts, to remove any chance of a printer driver causing instability issues on the host machine.

  • Preferred method: Use Group Policy with host servers in their own separate OU
    • Computer Configuration –> Policies –> Administrative Templates –> Windows Components –> Remote Desktop Services –> Remote Desktop Session Host –> Printer Redirection –> Do not allow client printer redirection –> Set to "Enabled
⎕ Do not install any other Roles on a host besides the Hyper-V role and the Remote Desktop Services roles (if VDI will be used on the host).

  • When the Hyper-V role is installed, the host OS becomes the "Parent Partition" (a quasi-virtual machine), and the Hypervisor partition is placed between the parent partition and the hardware. As a result, it is not recommended to install additional (non-Hyper-V and/or VDI related) roles.
⎕ The only Features that should be installed on the host are: Failover Cluster Manager (if host will become part of a cluster), Multipath I/O (if host will be connecting to an iSCSI SAN, Spaces and/or Fibre Channel), or Remote Desktop Services if VDI is being used. (See explanation above for reasons why installing additional features is not recommended.)
⎕ Anti-virus software should exclude Hyper-V specific files using the Hyper-V: Antivirus Exclusions for Hyper-V Hosts article, namely:

    • All folders containing VHD, VHDX, AVHD, VSV and ISO files
    • Default virtual machine configuration directory, if used (C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Hyper-V)
    • Default snapshot files directory, if used (%systemdrive%\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Hyper-V\Snapshots)
    • Custom virtual machine configuration directories, if applicable
    • Default virtual hard disk drive directory
    • Custom virtual hard disk drive directories
    • Snapshot directories
    • Vmms.exe (Note: May need to be configured as process exclusions within the antivirus software)
    • Vmwp.exe (Note: May need to be configured as process exclusions within the antivirus software)
    • Additionally, when you use Cluster Shared Volumes, exclude the CSV path "C:\ClusterStorage" and all its subdirectories.
  • For more information:
⎕ Default path for Virtual Hard Disks (VHD/VHDX) should be set to a non-system drive, due to this can cause disk latency as well as create the potential for the host running out of disk space.
⎕ If you choose to save the VM state as the Automatic Stop Action, the default virtual machine path should be set to a non-system drive, due to the creation of a .bin file is created that matches the size of memory reserved for the virtual machine.  A .vsv file may also be created in the same location as the .bin file, adding to disk space used for each VM. (The default path is: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Hyper-V.)

⎕ If you are using iSCSI: In Windows Firewall with Advanced Security, enable iSCSI Service (TCP-In) for Inbound and iSCSI Service (TCP-Out) for outbound in Firewall settings on each host, to allow iSCSI traffic to pass to and from host and SAN device. Not enabling these rules will prevent iSCSI communication.

To set the iSCSI firewall rules via netsh, you can use the following command:

Netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group=”iSCSI Service” new enable=yes

⎕ Periodically run performance counters against the host, to ensure optimal performance.

  • Recommend using the Hyper-V performance counter that can be extracted from the (free) Codeplex PAL application:
  • Install PAL on a workstation and open it, then click on the Threshold File tab.
    • Select "Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V" from the Threshold file title, then choose Export to Perfmon template file. Save the XML file to a location accessible to the Hyper-V host.
  • Next, on the host, open Server Manager –> Tool –> Performance Monitor
  • In Performance Monitor, click on Data Collector Sets –> User Defined. Right click on User Defined and choose New –> Data Collector Set. Name the collector set "Hyper-V Performance Counter Set" and select Create from a template (Recommended) then choose Next. On the next screen, select Browse and then locate the XML file you exported from the PAL application. Once done, this will show up in your User Defined Data Collector Sets.
  • Run these counters in Performance Monitor for 30 minutes to 1 hour (during high usage times) and look for disk latency, memory and CPU issues, etc.
Check out the entire thing and bookmark it! :D Click here.

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